Home Page Tiles


The Home Page is made up of tiles such as:


ToDo tiles – This centralises all the tasks related to Recruitment, Onboarding and Learning to be completed by you. Tasks requiring actions such as trainings or approvals for requisitions are active links that take you to the requested action or form to complete the task.


My Team tiles - The tiles in this section will show only if you are a manager. Click on any direct report to perform quick actions such as viewing their profile or sending them an email (by clicking ‘Nudge’) about their overdue tasks. Click on the ‘Org Chart’ tile to view your team.

Note: If any of your direct reports have multiple assignments, only their main assignment related position is displayed in Talent Management.


My Info tiles - Click on the ‘My Profile’ tile here to navigate to your Profile (Employee Files). The ‘Quick Links’ tile allows you to set up favourites (quick links) to any sub tab you use often in Talent Management. ‘Careers’ tile provides a quick way to view open job requisitions, job alerts and number of jobs you have applied to and saved. Ensure you have created your candidate profile to view these information. Click on the ‘Recruiting’ tile to navigate to your Job Requisitions page. The ‘Quick Reference Guides’ tile stores a list of useful reference guides. Click on the tile to view these guides.


Onboarding tiles - The Onboarding tiles appear if you are newly hired. This section includes tiles such as ‘My Peers’ displaying your team members and useful contacts.


The tiles on your Home Page will vary depending on whether you are an employee, manager or new hire.