Assigning and Removing Proxy (Delegation)


Steps to assign proxy for your Recruitment and Onboarding activities:


1. Navigate to Talent Management Home page


2. Click on your profile picture and select Settings


3. Select Proxy from the Options menu and click Assign Proxy


4. Click on the Find User link to search for the user you want to delegate the tasks to (Note that the text box accepts only the username)


5. Enter the search criteria and click Search


6. Click on the radio button next to the user’s name and click Select User


7. Select Recruiting from the given options and click Save.  

Note that access to the Onboarding module activities is automatically granted by choosing the Recruiting option. Ensure you do not select options such as "Employee Profile" as this will allow your proxy (delegate) to view your profile information. Contact HR if you want this to be administered by HR.




Steps to remove proxy for your Recruitment and Onboarding activities:

Note that the proxy (delegate) remains assigned to your account until you manually remove them.


Click on the delete icon next to the proxy’s (delegate’s) name